Homework Assignment #1 for Complit Summer 2004

due Friday, June 4th at the beginning of class

Perform the following inside your My Documents folder (not on the C: drive, on the desktop or elsewhere):

  1. Create a folder called summer04
  2. Create three more folders within that folder: class, work and other
  3. Within the class folder, create a complit folder
  4. In the complit folder, create four folders, called word, text, excel and access
  5. Create a Word document and save it in the "word" folder as hw1.doc
  6. The Word document should contain the date and time that you worked on the assignment, as well as the people with whom you worked to complete the assignment
  7. Create a text file using Notepad and save it in the "text" folder as hw1.txt
  8. Place the same information in the text file that you did in the Word document.
You should be able to access this file structure whenever you log in. This is why we ask that you place this in your My Documents folder. In addition, you will be asked to draw your file structure out on a quiz, so pay close attention to what you are doing as you complete the assignment.