Clara's Guestbook

Thanks for visiting my pages. Please leave your mark here, love to hear comment from ya! Add to this guestbook we are keeping!
Lovely site my dear - needs to be updated though! Just wanted to say thanks so much for the smileys! They came when I really needed them. Talk to you soon my dear!
Ketsuda <>
Malden, MA USA - Monday, December 11, 2000 at 16:33:40 (EST)
We were at Lago d'Isao July 1998, we missed your performance by days, great part of the world, we're visiting our Italian friends again this summer.
Helen Grant <>
UK - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 16:56:17 (EDT)
Clara K
State of Insanity, USA - Monday, March 13, 2000 at 20:18:04 (EST)
Clara K
State if Insanity, USA - Monday, March 13, 2000 at 20:17:58 (EST)
hey remember me? i was wondering what ever happened to ther kebabian family and i stumbled upon your website. crazy
Joanna Rothblatt <>
Lake Bluff, IL USA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 13:08:20 (EST)
Hey Clara, Nice page! Just wanted to say hi, and that I had a fun New Year's! It was cool getting to know you better. Enjoy spring semester and good luck! -Meghna
Meghna <>
Little Neck, NY USA - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 01:02:34 (EST)

You web page is cute. We have the same birthday! May 17, 1979.
You are lucky, I do not graduate untill 2001. Good luck with

Jovanna Frazier <>
Charlottesville, VA USA - Saturday, December 18, 1999 at 02:12:31 (EST)
Hello...I found your page by surfing through the student directory. I'm very impressed that you played oboe for 8 years and violin for 15. wow. I've played oboe for 6, and I'm hoping to go to Wellesley. I was hoping you could tell me something about the music departement? Anyway, your webpage was really nifty. Have a wonderful day! :o) Jenn
Jennifer <>
MO USA - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 23:35:03 (EST)
Procrastination is a wonderful thing indeed. Thanks for helping this crusty old alum (1998) in her efforts not to write a paper for her masters. Some things never change... Best of luck in your last year at Wellesley! Great web page!
Renee Sobelman <>
Sydney, Australia - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 17:42:45 (EST)
Procrastination is a wonderful thing indeed. Thanks for helping this crusty old alum (1998) in her efforts not to write an essay for her masters. Some things never change... Best of luck in your last year at Wellesley! Great web page!
Renee Sobelman <>
Sydney, Australia - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 17:42:22 (EST)
Nice Web page, signing in a rush (as always :)
But I have been showing the pics to everybody, we have had
our laughs :)
Will write later

Anna Zin. <>
Farmington, ME USA - Monday, October 18, 1999 at 21:13:39 (EDT)
from another pink padded superstar--awe-some!
cassie <>
bloomington, IN USA - Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 23:17:05 (EDT)
nice web page..but you should add more kinky porn links.

shastri <>
Trinidad - Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 17:36:43 (EDT)
ME :)
Stressville, USA - Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 23:30:12 (EDT)
I really enjoyed what little you had of Italy, I was hoping to see more photos of Italy. Italy is where I am dying to explore. We are doing presentations in my computer class and mine is one Italy. I wish I had an Email address but I don't. Hope to see some photos of Italy soon.
Shelly Valiquette
Winnipeg, MB Canada -
Hey! Guess what I found on the web. Nice page Clara! Say hello to people for me. I better get back to work now...
Wish more people had page here so I can be totally amazed and procrastinate even more. :)

Dan <>
Boston, MA USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 04:43:20 (EST)
Hi Clara! Remember me? Your standpartner from gbyso? I went to AH, so I was looking on the AH home pg and that's how I got here! Very cool web page, esp the part about Italy! ~MEG
Meg Dole <>
USA - Thursday, March 05, 1998 at 23:56:35 (EST)
Don't you think it's time to change the Season's Greeting page ?
But I love you page. I am still too lazy to put up mine!

Helen <>
you know where I am , USA - Sunday, January 25, 1998 at 14:13:59 (EST)
Hi Clara! you probably don't even remember me, but I am a distant cousin of yours. My mother is your father's cousin. I was just in Washington visiting the family and over at my grandmother's (Helen Knopf) I saw a picture of you! Anyway, I found you on the web much more randomly -- I went to Apple Hill for years (stopped in 1989), and discovered their website, only to find your homepage listed!! So you are still playing the violin -- that's great. I am too. I live in Santa Cruz, play in the symphony out here, and am finishing my doctorate in US history. Write me at and say hello! Love, Wendy
Wendy Kline <>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Friday, January 02, 1998 at 16:26:42 (EST)
let's think about the unpleasant

Cynthia Zhu (your roommate, remember?) <>
Newton, MA USA - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 23:10:35 (EST)
let's think about the unpleasant

Cynthia Zhu (your roommate, remember?) <>
Newton, MA USA - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 23:09:52 (EST)
Neato page!! I love the background and always appreciate picts that people actually take the time to scan and use.

Claudette <>
Orlando, Fl USA - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 15:15:09 (EST)
Neato page!! I love the background and always appreciate picts that people actually take the time to scan and use.

Claudette <>
Orlando, Fl USA - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 15:15:00 (EST)
I'm not on your friends list...snif....snif
Beej <You know my e-mail>
Amherst, MA USA - Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 22:49:17 (EDT)
Clara, love the page, but you need a new Wellesley ID picture! Your MIT one is better!
With the greatest love and affection for my constantly stressed out friend, Ketsuda

Ketsuda <>
Cambridge, MA USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 01:22:36 (EDT)
An interesting aspect of your education.
Dear old dad <>
anytown, oblivion USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 15:13:24 (EDT)
Hi Clara! I'm always eager to see the changes in your web page (as you have probably noticed, I don't change mine all that much!
Just wanted to surf in and say hello!

Skye Souter <>
Wayland, MA USA - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 10:15:57 (EDT)
Nice page Clara!!!

Jennifer L. Anderson <>
Wayland , ma usa - Tuesday, September 30, 1997 at 12:55:10 (EDT)
Hiya Clara! I'm up late unpacking; just checked out your site. The new
layout is cool. Anyway, I'll talk to you later...don't stress!

Paul Degenkolb <>
New Haven, CT USA - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 03:38:56 (EDT)
HI, I am coming in as a freshman this September and I was just looking through a lot of Wellesley stuff on the computer. This is a cool site, many of the other sites are empty anyway which is a little boring. Anyway, I am probably boring you. I might meet you in a few months. If you have anything that you think I should know about your college please e-mail me- I understand if you are busy though! Sincerely, Jodi
Jodi Miller <>
London, England - Friday, June 06, 1997 at 05:10:19 (EDT)
Clara seriously now don't you do any REAL work at all? Still kinda cool...tinsle teeth
El <>
wayland , Ma USA - Saturday, May 31, 1997 at 20:40:39 (EDT)
Hey Clara!
Remember me? i hope so! hmm....lets see what has gone on in my life.
i have just finished and released my first CD (ive now become a folk violinist-one of two in Mass.)
im working on another at the moment and im recording with too many folk musicians. hmmm.....
well, thats it for about now....I hope to hear from you soon. my address is:
15 Brookshire Road
Hyannis, MA 02601
Talk to you soon!
Love, Rebecca

Rebecca Joy(red haired violin chic) <my account got cancled-paying bills is not my forte...>
Hyannis, , MA USA - Friday, May 30, 1997 at 15:36:01 (EDT)
Beej <You know my e-mail>
Cotuit, MA USA - Friday, April 18, 1997 at 18:50:36 (EDT)
Clara - change my URL in your link to least for now.
How do I get my pages onto wilbur?!

Jen <I think you know this one......>
wellesley, duh!, USA - Monday, April 07, 1997 at 00:58:21 (EDT)
The new-and-improved page looks great, Clara! Web pages are the greatest, huh? (especially when you should be doing your HW!)
Skye Souter <>
Wayland, MA USA - Monday, March 31, 1997 at 20:25:54 (EST)
Hey Clara, I like the page! Isn't it a great way to procrastinate?

Paul Degenkolb <>
New Haven, CT USA - Friday, January 31, 1997 at 19:43:33 (EST)
Hey Clara!!!
I am at work and I am really bored, things are slow in the library. Cool homepage though.

Jenn Anderson <,Internet>
Wayland, ma USA - Thursday, January 30, 1997 at 16:51:12 (EST)
Clara, I must say that I LOVE the web page. Nice job =)
Maybe someday I'll figure out how to make one!

Skye Souter <>
Northampton, MA USA - Monday, January 27, 1997 at 22:19:43 (EST)
Thankyou for the e-mail.


Sir B.J. of the Golden Meatball <you know it already>
Cotuit, Ma USA - Thursday, January 23, 1997 at 20:07:08 (EST)
Clara K
USA - Wednesday, January 22, 1997 at 15:39:53 (EST)
Clara <>
- Wednesday, January 22, 1997 at 15:26:03 (EST)
Hi.. just testing this for you.
Scott Lipcon <>
Baltimore, MD USA - Wednesday, January 22, 1997 at 15:14:58 (EST)
Clara Kebabian
- Tuesday, January 21, 1997 at 16:00:21 (EST)

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