Vivek Gopalakrishnan


Vivek Gopalakrishnan
Undergraduate Student
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Johns Hopkins University

About Me

I am a second year undergraduate student in the departments of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. I am interested in how mathematics and scientific computation can help us understand and change the world we live in. My aim is to merge my creativity and curiosity with my passion for research to solve complex problems faced by humanity today.

Entering college, I knew that I wanted to answer questions in both medicine and machine learning. Combining these interests has lead me to the field of computational medicine, where I am developing intelligent and personalized medical solutions.

Research has always been a passion of mine, dating back to high school. Through my own independent work, I have gained experience writing grants, designing experiments with human subjects, analyzing high-dimensional data, and presenting to experts at events like the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.

I am looking to expand my exposure to diverse disciplines where machine learning can make meaningful and interesting contributions, such as public health, energy, and music.


Email: vgopala4 [at] jhu [dot] edu